Well firstly It is 30 odd years old so it has not done to bad, but once I got it apart it is a simple system and it just needs an overhaul, and the parts are cheap for once

First job read the manual ! then remove the callipers from the car, at the same time remove the handbrake cables and order some new ones, I sent my ones away and had them made by speedy cables, back in a week £80 plus vat and postage, then ordered the seals kits and new calliper sliders from Big Red £30 odd qid make sure you get the right seals for .4 brake fluid you are now ready to go
Firstly my rear calipers worked but where always a bit sticky to start with, but you can see from the photographs what actually probably causes most of the problems.
When you Peel the rear boot back the first two problems, the rear cylinder seal has started to fail and the pivot bush on the handbrake lever is corroded because of the brake fluid.