A lot of effort and expense has gone into this event and it is the first official Motorsport event organised by the Club under MSA Permit so WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT PLEASE!
It would be great to have a few more of you along to Origine RS @ Brooklands on Saturday 30th September.
10.00am - 5.00pm
All Alpine, Renaultsport, Classic Renault & Turbo Renault vehicles welcome.
Only £11 per person admission. That's just the normal museum entry fee and the car is FREE.
Entry includes all the usual Museum attractions: Car & Bike collections, Stratosphere chamber, Clubhouse, Bus Museum, Motoring village, Aircraft displays
PLUS Alpine, Renaultsport & Classic Renault dedicated parking
Meguiar's Show n Shine
MSA Autotests on the test hill and start finish straight.
Enter all the Autotests for only £30 for 9 runs.
Regs here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1wgbk ... 9maUk/view
No MSA Licence required just a driving licence

Or try a fun run up the hill for £5
To buy tickets visit http://www.originers.com
For more info see http://www.brooklandsmuseum.com/whats-on/origine-rs
Hope to see you there!