I have finally found time to post some photos of my recent acquisition. Only had it three weeks so plenty still to learn! Generally in very good order. It has been resprayed and looks the part although window out would have been better. Everything works except the speedometer but the previous owner fitted a SAT Nav to use for this. Something I want to attend to at some point. Electronic central locking works too.
Need to get it up on ramps or a pit but what I can see underneath looks good. I had the coolant replaced at a local Renault agent for the correct stuff as wasn't confident with what was in it, particularly with winter coming. Apparently it took the best part of an afternoon to flush the previous crud out. The temperature rose to about 3/4 when I bought it and it still did it on the way home from the refill but this might have been due to being held in slow traffic for a long time. Any thoughts? Rad, thermostat? fans come on so I need to monitor this.
It also has a blow off valve fitted that you can spot in the photo. Sounds mad venting off but not sure I want to keep this. Not a priority though.
The other thing I'll have to attend to is the offside headlight cover which has been repaired, so doesn't leak but it's too obvious.
I bought it to use it and enjoy it and so far it hasn't disappointed,although I haven't used it as much as I would like!...Oh and it goes like hell!

The only problem I have at the moment is finding somewhere to store it over winter...then again I seldom use my Caravelle so I don't want the same to happen with this!
Watch this space.