Starting a new engine - what do I need to do?

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Starting a new engine - what do I need to do?

Postby dallarax19 » Sun Jul 31, 2016 1:46 pm

Thanks for the help on this guy. So to start this engine my plan was to:
1) put in the oil
2) pull the plugs (no leads on distributor too)
3) no fuel connection
4) turn it over several times and listen for a change in pitch or speed of the turn ( I don't see how to prime the pump unless that is done through the oil filter ports, help me on this one)

After satisfied I was going to:
1) connect the fuel line
2) install the plugs
3) set the distributor to fire at TDC (compression stroke and verify rotor it pointing to #1cylinder)
4) Say a brief prayer
5) Fire it up

After it starts then immediately shut it down and fill with coolant, vent it and start it up and verify all systems are working correctly.
* I have a remote switch ready to go and will use that to turn it over

What other recommendations????
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Re: Starting a new engine - what do I need to do?

Postby clee » Sun Jul 31, 2016 2:54 pm

Yes,as on other thread .Prime the oilpump via the filter port .You will see a channel to the timing end,not the central threaded port .Get a syringe with a tube attached and fill via this until it flows back out and gets messy.Plugs out to crank prime.
If new cams or regrind then they need to be run in .Coat with running in paste,lobes,and when fired dont let it idle ir switch off !! You need to bed the cams in ,keep revs at 2.5k for a good 5 minutes + then give it a few higher rev blips for a minute or so .
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Re: Starting a new engine - what do I need to do?

Postby dallarax19 » Mon Aug 01, 2016 4:49 pm

OK so in that case I want to have the coolant in it ready and vented before I start it? The cams are reground and I used Permatex Assembly Lube so that should be OK, no? Once started I should not shut it down and I need to run it at 2500rpm (i.e. skip the check to make sure it fires up before adding coolant?)?

I have not heard that before about the run in or bedding proceedure, what does the stopping the engine do to the cams if done before the 5min run in at 2500rpm is complete?

Any other tips? Do you remove the cam covers to verify oil has flowed to the cam then replace the the covers and fire it up? Thanks for the help.
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Re: Starting a new engine - what do I need to do?

Postby clee » Mon Aug 01, 2016 5:38 pm

Emphasis in the wrong place there from me .OK to turn off but do not idle and always better to have every other box ticked so that you can just keep it at running in speed .

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