by turbell » Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:32 am
I was at Rats when this car turned up, and it's a beaut, I made a tongue in cheek cash offer straight off!
It's arrow straight, with shut lines you can just fit a fifty pence piece in ( sideways!), doors you can push shut with a finger and a good amount of the original coatings still in place on most of the underside.
True, there are some issues to resolve but if anyone wants to know what a straight original Gta Turbo should look like this is it, I'm very biased, of course, but a largely standard, nice Turbo with leather and no other extras is the pick of the crop, pound for I say not biased at all!
A light, measured touch on this car and it will be in the top quarter of cars without doubt, a credit to it's previous owner, you can see it was a much loved car and I look forward to seeing it awake from it's near thirteen year slumber.
Better a penniless free man, than a rich prisoner