So... New battery, fresh fuel but seem to be fresh out of magic dust as she won't start.

I took off one of the hoses from what looks like the fuel filter to one of the fuel injector rails and nothing pumps on turn over. There's physically fuel there, old, I had a suck, a fine mid 90's vintage I think. So am I barking up the wrong tree? Seemed a good place to look (pic below) but not sure if the fuel pump is front or back?
I have found what I presume is an imobiliser with a small hidden push button under the dash, when pressed the lights flash once, in one mode (the default get in to drive) all the dash lights come on with the demist light on the right display. Press it again lots of things click and the dash lights come on again but without the demist light on. I take this logic to mean it's imoblised but this was I presume an after market fitting. So not sure if it cuts the fuel pump maybe as she turns over in either mode. If I press the button a few times quickly the alarm goes off which is fun as it's an air horn!
Under the fragile plastic scuttle plate by the battery I also found some cables not connected, might be alarm cables? It's by the bonnet pin switch but several cables look like they could plug into each other, tried a few combinations but nothing happened.
Overall she doesn't look too bad, dumped some coolant front and rear which has caused some corrosion in those areas but baby steps.
Any advice please gents? Thanks in advance