I guess it'll have the Clio 200 turbo engine with semi auto box, and I'm sure hybrid will come in somewhere as long as its out the back that'll do fine.
You can draw comparisons with other medium coupes and lets face it aerodynamics will always mean a basic shape these days, but if they make it reliable and quirky enough to offer something different to whats on offer now, it could be a seller, and therefore the start of a brand they will build on, hope fully with another model more like the RS01, but I think it will be about getting numbers out firstly.
Times change and I for one am sick of seeing German lumps on cart wheels with beardy twenty something sales execs in them, bring back flares, fags and buggers grips........the end shots of C'etait un Rendezvous is all I have ever aspired to......cracking troosers