Once again, it will be held at the world renowned and historic, Goodwood Motor Circuit.. on Saturday 22nd August.
Last year we had just over 200 cars in attendance, with many of you taking full advantage of the track time available. For 2015 we shall be running the same sort of format, but will be working much closer with the Goodwood team to make sure track starting times are adhered to (we listened to your feed-back).

Please take a few minutes to look around our all new event website: http://www.OrigineRS.com
Tickets are available from the event website shop, http://originers.com/the-shop/
Updates will be added as we go for traders, attractions etc.. so please pop in this thread from time to time to see whats going on, or.. to the event website.. OR our flourishing Face Book page, which has currently over 2,300 followers!

Thanks again to all those that were able to attend last year and support this new event! And for those that werent able to come along... hopefully you'll be able to join in this year! From all the team, we look forward to seeing you again at Goodwood on 22nd August!
Best regards