So with some help from my father we started having a look today........brakes, starter motor and carbs all appeared to be siezed. We managed to get the brakes free but the calipers will probably need overhauled (think i've found the kits for this online, same as Citroen BX for the rears isn't it?). The starter motor eventually started turning over after a little friendly persuasion with a metal pipe! The carbs might need a bit of work though as the single one appears to be very stiff. Gave them a liberal spray of WD40 and we'll have another crack at them tomorrow.
Regarding the fuel isues I've checked a few other threads and found many helpful comments but I'm still not 100% sure about the pump & filters on the Atmo. My car is a 1989 model so does it just have one pump and is this under the fuel tank? I have a new filter but I'm not sure it's the right one, I think I've found one underneath the car but it looks much smaller than the one I have. My brother has a Turbo and he said there's a larger one in the rear too, is this the same on the Atmo? I'm going to try and clear the fuel lines with compressed air but will probably replace these too and hopefully this will resolve the original issues. It was never a perfect car and unfortunately I doubt I'll ever have the funds to make it so, but I look forward to making it roadworthy again and then trying to wipe the grin off my face every time I get out of it! I'll post another update soon and see if I can get some pictures up but will probably be back with further queries too.