I have been reviewing some old stuff, and there are always things that spring to mind when you look back over it...
I just found some pictures that survived my HDD crash, and here's one from Eddie's true mid-engine GTA monster project. Is that an oil return from the turbo at the front middle of the sump Eddie? There is something else there worth noting about the Hartge setup looking at this again...
How is it going Eddie, have you got back on to it? When are you going to release your wishbone and suspension upgrades?
Talking Bi-turbo's, here's a better picture of the A310 bi-turbo rebuild and upgrade I did for the monster car from below and further up this thread:
http://www.renaultalpineownersclub.com/ ... php?t=6116
http://retrorides.proboards.com/index.c ... 559&page=1
..might be of interest to Bob. Moreover, Tommy in Belgium was asking about turbo oil return, and this is how that one was solved on this installation.
Some additional bi-turbo pictures, not sure of all the sources now, but all with slightly different arrangements, worth reviewing.
This is another PSA oddity; the later 3ltr even-fire head casting intake port arrangement and 46mm inlet valve (as opposed the 44mm), but combined with the earlier head casting recessed spark plug arrangement. It would be interesting to be able to ask these questions, and find out if there is any factory dyno data, why this combination was made, and directly how it compared against their criteria and test methods. This is where access to these nuances through people involved at the time, or factory records and archives would be interesting, may be something Roy Smith could help us with Mr. Dell? This is the kind of detail that is not covered in Les Renault Alpine GTA by Frederick LHospied, and surely exists out there… bit like the Renix tuning information, much of what I know I will write up here shortly, possibly someone would like to take it to the next stage… I feel this is the pity when it’s all locked behind closed doors, as it just becomes stale and a lost art, or exclusive to those whom will charge excessively putting off the majority of owners.. sorry getting side tracked...
I have one of these heads NOS, but only the one side (cylinder bank) sadly, I purchased to see if there were any other changes, strange that there are reportedly a few hundred of these heads on the shelf, but as I say just the one side.. very strange, wonder how that happened? Anyway, I think it's the head casting used on the R25 ph 2, 205hp that was also blessed with the upgraded Renix ecu... and that will be for another story. In the meantime, if I post the part number, can some one trace the origin or where used to see exactly which engine version this head was applied? Thanks in advance
Pity Roman isn't on here anymore after he was mostly chased off..

... had some good points, and data from his testing would have been valuable to share:
http://www.renaultalpineownersclub.com/ ... sc&start=0