I must say a superbly organised event, beautiful scenery excelent food and wine and a great atmosphere.
arrived at the Champion supermarket car park , registered and took coffee and croissants!
0830 started the tour and ended up at a liquere distillery at 1030, then on to Renault Hermy where a large Lunch waited the drivers and navigators, after which we were we we presented with a presentaion basked containing local delicacies and liqueres.
then at 1430 off again on route to a cherry liquere tasting at a small chateau, then onwards back to Macon Via a chardonnay tasting at the Cave de Luny, and leaving with a presentation pack with one bottle of red, white and rose wines and a couple of glasses top complement it!
Day ended in Macon with a the whole group having a superb dinner in the Escatel Hotel with as much wine as you could drink

Day 2 after breakfast at 0730 off out on route again to a chesse and wine tasting at another wine producer, then back to Macon for a gourmet Lunch befor leaving at 3 PM.
I'd Like to Thank Jacky, Lucien, Gilbert, Francis, and Jean Maillet, for their hospitality and I will be back next year
oh and it only cost us 230 euros for the 2 of us for the weekend, which included all meals and our hotel accomodation

I suggest RAOC attends with a few cars next year as it is superb value for money and a good chance to meet with fellow alpine owners and even a few french racing drivers as they are driving the rally just the same as the rest of us (Jean Ragnotti is normally there! for starters)
and not to forget the sponsors, E Leclerc, Carrosserie Prevost, AGF