Whether its youthful bravado for me to go straight into my second ever car being an Alpine, time will tell

When I picked up the car, I managed the 100 mile trek back home in it, but not without some cause for alarm

After some research, it seems the lever linkage bushes are a common failure point for these and quite simple to fix if you have enough ground clearance to work under the car - seeing as I currently haven't got this readily available, I've left the car in the capable hands of Hightone Restoration on the advice of both Paul/Stephen, for them to inspect the linkages. Here's to hoping I'll be back on the road in no time, ideally in time for some meetups with all you other owners!

I'm aware of a few other things I want to resolve within my first couple of years to get the car into greater shape, including:
- Attending to some of the rubber exterior seals
- Resolving the fuel gauge cluster's temperamental nature
- Resolving the door locks temperamental side
- Resolving the temperamental 34 TBIA carb (something about the wax means the choke needs to be manually held open by a willing volunteer if the engine is started again after a little bit of driving)
- Recovering the missing service book somehow
Can't wait for that list to grow much longer the more I learn
