Ooops, just remembered about posting a report on this one.
Thanks to those who turned up in support (about time!) namely, Simon G, Stefan D and Tony S.
Such is my limited budget, I am trying to make my slicks last the season so took the decision to qualify on some old Michelin 16 inchers that I used to good effect on the Brands track day late last year. So, with these mounted I came out of the pits slowly, oiling the gears and just checking everything felt right when half way around paddock hill the thing just decided to do a twirl on me and I ended up in the gravel

Thankfully at such a slow speed that there was no damage and the helpful mashals pushed me out but it knocked my confidence for the rest of the day. Seems those Michelin slicks, while fine when hot are a handfull when cold and take a lot of warming. I recall last time I used them when sprinting I ended up in the mud at Hethel so I should have known better but do not believe I could have been going any slower than when they got away from me.
Practice then was a bit of a washout but got 21st on the grid of 27 and with trusted Dunlops now on for the race it could only get better...and it did, picked up 5 places on the start and then spent the rest of the race trying to fend those 5 off. Sadly fuel issues put paid to it as the engine cut going in to the hairpin and I pitted rather than facing the possibilty of being caught out on track with a dead engine.
So, started 2nd race in 24th spot due to the DNF in race one. Again picked up a few places at the start and was at the point of passing the Clio in front when it caught a slowing Jaguar which waved us both past, however I noticed the yellow flag at the hairpin and lifted off but the Clio went past and I couldnt pass the Jag until the green flag by which time the Clio had gone. Did pass a few cars though including one of the Bill Richards run Minis that normally are way faster than me at Lydden. The driver may have had a problem I dont know but she still finished the race. Ended up 14th overall, not bad from 24th I guess. A good days racing but the added cars we dont normally see in our series made it a day of keeping an eye out in the mirrors as there were some seriously fast cars out there.