Some little bits’n’pieces of PRV et al interest off the net:
Page 3 – wow - burned out A310, and then it’s restoration… very nice indeed…
http://www.renault-tuning.com/viewtopic ... &start=140
More A310 stuff..
http://www.historicalpineracing.com/a310/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03_O6v045h8This is a thing of beauty, do watch:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M32sIShzIxMThis is more my kind of stuff… lay it down large, boys in Argentina; love it – looks like the natural home for a PRV! Well, I’ve always wanted to go out there…. Chassis dyno run of a race atmo single seater… very nice!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqSmwRvpqi0Here you go atmo boys, doing the business with a simple carb... no fancy conversions here should give you faith. If these guys think they needed more carb to go racing and go fast I think they would have fitted it looking at the rest of the setup!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-J_8p9RzRwSome more atmo carb conversions here, worth looking at, I know old material now, but still relevant. The Fish carb is an interesting one, I wonder how that worked out… always good notes from OddFire:
http://www.aussiefrogs.com/forum/peugeo ... t-prv.htmlTalking A310’s and tuning… don’t forget this article, and of interest to all as a tuning option, old article now, but worth keeping in mind…

Axel’s 2.9ltr conversion, always interesting to compare, but a torque curve would be more useful:

Some more interesting PRV stuff from around the world and it all goes to show the basis for creativity this engine can be:
http://alpinerenault.free.fr/outils/for ... 17387624be
There’s a bi-turbo TurboBrick Volvo in the middle of the page (turbos up high with no oil drain back issues, advantage of the front engine arrangement, looks mean too), nice stuff on there any way:
http://www.turbobricks.com/forums/showt ... 738&page=5
An old thread with StunedMonkey on it:
http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topi ... id=0&i=940Some nice Pug PRV stuff on here page 5 and 6:
http://www.forum-auto.com/automobiles-m ... 63-140.htm

Going for inertia tuning, be good to know how well this works out:

I think JL originally mentioned these guys to me (A310’s etc circuit racing in Europe), but I came across their site again the other day, and some seriously nice stuff here, love the mechanical injection, and look for the embedded video ¾ of the page down.

Renault Alpine A310 V6 Gr2 – they have up for sale:
“2.8 V6, 209 bhp, UN1 Gearbox, Weber carburettors, race ready with spares, fresh engine and gearbox. Comes with set of rain tyres and extra rear wheels.” One ready made then…
There is some truly inspiring stuff there to get the juices going So come on all your PuRVists, need to get those boots a walking… Cedric, how are you getting on now? Will, have you got breaks and an MOT yet? Chris… manifolds and gearbox? Eddie, how’s the mid-engine coming along? Andrea, how are you’re projects coming along, you have been very quiet, must have something cooking? How's the X19 investigations going Brian, have you got your A310 up and running? I know... I need to hurry up too...