WSR Donington Final Update

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WSR Donington Final Update

Postby stephendell » Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:33 pm

Dear Fellow Renault Enthusiasts,

This may prove to be the final update before I leave for Donington tomorrow so I will try to clarify any remaining 'grey' areas.

1. The final WSR Donington timetable has been released:

There have been a number of changes, but it is largely self explanatory.

2. Regarding the high speed demonstrations. Could any Clubs please remind participating drivers that Suit, Gloves & Helmet are essential.You may also be asked to show your competition licence so please bring it. (Of course this is not necessary for the low speed parade). It now seems likely that the private cars will all run on Saturday with selected cars only on Sunday. Please be prepared to be flexible. Your car will be on display with the H&C vehicles so please make sure it is well presented.

3. Please complete your vehicle identification card sent by Renault. These look best when printed using a PC. Make sure you do a trial run on a blank sheet first though!

4. No individual club banners or stands in the collectors area. If you are selling parts or club memorabilia, please be reasonably discrete. Renault have asked that the collectors area be kept tidy and not resemble an auto-jumble!

5. Please make sure that your Paddock pass is clearly displayed in your windscreen. If you are towing a trailer, your tow car will be admitted as long as there is a paddock pass on your collectors vehicle.

6. There will be definitely be camping facilities on the circuit for collectors somewhere! However this keeps moving and was last reported to be in car park 4. You may like to call me on Friday (07956495773) to confirm the final location of the site and the facilities available after I have made a physical check.

7. Deliberate errors on the latest mailing. The H&C printer obviously has a problem with the number 2. There are of course 250 places at the Gala Evening and it is likely to end at 22h00. Remember you need to purchase tickets near the welcome tent on Saturday. This should prove to be a highlight of the weekend.

8. Please follow any directions you are given when parking. The aim is for all models to parked together by type. Please exercise discipline and co-operation when queuing for and participating in the parade. Cars are due to be released in batches of 25. Any problems or disruption to the race schedule may result in cancellation of the Sunday parade.

As usual, any other questions just ask.

Finally thank you all for your support.

Weather permitting I hope this will be a great event for all that attend.

Best Regards
Last edited by stephendell on Wed Sep 14, 2005 11:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Martin Guard


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Postby Martin Guard » Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:43 pm

I'm on the list (Martin Guard A110) but haven't received any communication or passes from Renault. Even by Renault's past organisations this is cutting it a bit fine! Sadly I don't think I am alone. Any advice for us poor unfortunates?
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Postby simontaylor » Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:14 pm

Martin, last minute it can be, for Le Mans, my pass arrived on the Friday, the day I was leaving, so there should be more hope for you tomorrow. Just head for the paddock, with an A110 I'm sure they will just let you in, but bring ID and a printout of Stephen's Attandance list posting, they will let you in one a queue starts forming behind you.
Stephen will probably have left a list of expected attendees at the paddock gate, just in case.
Else call Stephen's mobile if you get stuck at the gate, he normally answers it any time of the day or night.
See you on Saturday.
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Postby andyh877 » Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:02 pm

All you need is the standard paddock window sticker, which has been issued for every event, if someone has a spare i'm sure they will donate it,

i'll copy a couple and leave them at the gate, if anyone else needs one let me know before 11 tomorrow and i'll copy as many as needed.

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Martin Guard


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Postby Martin Guard » Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:48 pm

Thanks for the tips. See you there.

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