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Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:33 pm
Fleet, Hampshire
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Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:11 am
Alpine France
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Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:33 pm
Fleet, Hampshire
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Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:33 pm
Fleet, Hampshire
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Mon Apr 18, 2005 7:11 am
Alpine France
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Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:33 pm
Fleet, Hampshire
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Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:33 pm
Fleet, Hampshire
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Wed Apr 14, 2004 7:25 pm
Hi Stephen , During the soirée de gala we were sitting at the same table with Christian and a few famous Renault drivers. Evening started at 20 h.30 with nice aperitif and food was served at the tables. All drinks were included in the amount 30 €. The whole evening the VIP ( drivers and others) were interviewing by Christian ( French ). It was nearly midnight when this soirée de gala ended. Do you remember the hotel ALDHEM
in Grobbendonk = 30 minutes from Zolder ? 2 EAC members were staying in that hotel because they wanted to attend the soirée de gala. Saturday at 18 h. they left Zolder ( changing clothes ) and I told them to leave the hotel at 19h.30 for the soirée. They left at 19h.45 and they arrived 20h.20'. During the soirée I advised for next day to leave the hotel not later than 9h 30'. What happened ? Driving Saturday night it took them only 20 minutes ( no traffic , 140 km/h ) so Sunday morning they were so pleased by the hotel facilities ( sauna - swimming pool etc... ) that they went in their car only at 11h. Now it comes ... It took them 3 THREE hours to reach Zolder ! Sunday = 29° Cel. ! More than 45.000 visitors ( Saturday 25.000 ) At 14.00 h new arrivals told me that others were still at the highway moving at walking speed. Some of them went home others arrived at 16.00 h. ! Yes Sunday morning we had a good breakfast in our hotel at 07.00 h , we left at 07h.30 and were again at Paddock 6 at 07h.45. Today I look like a red tomato , full day sunshine . The temperature meter of my CLIO V6 ( outside mirror ) informed me at 16.00 h : 38° Celc ! After the races , I think 150 cars made the parade 4 laps at ' parade-speed ' , it was fun. Afterwards we preferred to have a few drinks instead of being stick up at the highway , so we left at 19h.15 and after 30' we arrived in Antwerp. ( 150 km/h. ) Comparing to Saturday much more cars at my Paddock 6 ( at least 50 more).
Francisca & Robert.
Non Member
Fri Oct 01, 2004 12:39 pm
Shenzhen, China
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