Origine RS 2015 info

30th September 2017

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Origine RS 2015 info

Postby stephendell » Sun Mar 08, 2015 1:45 pm

Origine RS 2015

Dear fellow members of this fantastic club,

We are delighted to tell you all, that following the success and subsequent interest of last years event throughout the Renault scene, we have once again secured the prestigious Goodwood Circuit for the Saturday 22nd August, for Origine RS 2015!

Please save it to your new 2015 calendars!.

Once again, we are extremely grateful to have Meguiars as our main sponsor, who will be providing all prizes for the "Show and Shine" competitions, and "Spirit of Show"!

Roll on Origine RS 2015!
With your continued support, we can make this years event even better! :pray

• 98dB static noise limit, 10 cars on track at any one time
• ARDS registered chief instructor
• Exclusive use of the ground floor of the Jackie Stewart Pavilion
• Professional Photographer
• Clio v6 specific track time available.
• Show and Shine competition
• Classic and Sports Car Magazine in attendance
• 60 yrs of Alpine
• 30 yrs of R5 GTturbo
• 15 yrs of the Clio v6
• 10 yrs of v6Clio.net
• 10 yrs of Clio 182 Trophy
• Professional photographs of your own car
• Trade Stands
• Food Stands

ARDS registered chief instructor

Hot laps courtesy of Renault UK!
For those purchasing track time, take a drive with an instructor in a new RS Clio or RS Megane!


Need to see more of last years event..? Origine RS 2014


For those of you purchasing circuit time, it is important that you read the following please.

There have been a few questions regarding insurance or taking out additional insurance.

Origine RS is the Organiser of a Track Day and has elected to purchase the Association of Motor Racing Circuit Owners public liability insurance and follow their code of practice for member circuits.

Goodwood is the Venue Operator and an AMRCO member circuit.

This is the required public liability cover in the event of accident or injury. It does not cover damage to your vehicle. You will need to check with your insurer if you require additional cover. Some policies include track day cover others don't. The majority of people do not take out separate insurance cover for track days and have no problems but you do so at your own risk

For further information please read the AMRCO Code of Practice.

Our last year's star of the show:
The award winning Alpine A220 11395

Additional Origine RS Info

• Helmet hire £10 on the day. There may be a deposit.
• GoPro in car only on suction mount. Open top cars and external must be bracket mounted (nut and bolt)
• Earliest entry to circuit 7.45am Saturday. Friday evening access, strictly by special arrangement.
• Additional drivers must attend briefing and wear Goodwood wristband.
• Track passengers must sign disclaimer and wear Goodwood wristband.
• All wristbands will be checked on entry to circuit.
• Richmond lawn may be out of use due to imminent Goodwood Revival
• Lunchtime parade. 12.30. Static photo on grid followed by 30mph max parade behind pace car.

More exciting news for those that have booked track time at Origine RS

Courtesy of Renault UK the opportunity to DRIVE or RIDE with an instructor in the latest Megane Renaultsport Trophy or Clio Renaultsport

Priority will be given to those that have booked full of half day track time.

Age 25 and over only to DRIVE.
Age 14 and over to RIDE

As promised, there will be GTA & Clio v6 only slots. In fact, as so many of you wanted to make use of this offer last year, we have at least 2x 15min GTA & Clio v6 specific slots!

Can I ask any of you that have purchased 'half day' or 'full day' tickets, and are uncomfortable in mixed slots to please contact us ASAP please. We want ensure everyone is happy on track.. and with others who are in the same session.

If any of you have any other questions or reservations.. please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience!


For those of you taking their cars onto the circuit... Please take time to go through this:

Check List

(Please also read the official Goodwood instructions when you get them.)

1) Brakes: Have a look at your brake pads, front and rear, if they are anywhere near being worn out then replace them now and get them bedded in on the journey down. Heavy braking on track will soon finish off a set, especially standard road ones as some (well 1 actually) of our members have found out to their cost (twice!). I expect to have a few sets of part worn ones with me but these will be for get you home use only!

2) Fuel: Try to fill up to at least above half a tank (or more if doing a full day) as you will be astounded by how fast that needle will go down towards empty. If you stop out on track out of fuel the session will be red flagged and others will lose their track time. There is no fuel at the track the nearest petrol station is a Sainsbury at PO19 7YR and is about 5 minutes from Goodwood. The nearest Shell is at BN18 0SB about a 20 min round trip (Fontwell, near the hotel most are staying at) or others are a 40 minute round trip away on the A27 at PO10 7RB (BP) and PO10 7SU (Shell) but if you miss your session while going out for fuel you will not be refunded or re allocated. Please also note, if you bring your own fuel that there is a specified area where you are allowed to re fuel your car. Do not attempt to re fuel in the paddock or display area.

3) Fluids: Obvious really but check those fluids. Dip your engine dipstick to make sure it is up to the level, I personally never trust the dash readout and heavy cornering will surge oil to one side of the sump if on minimum or below. Check your coolant level and power steering too. As for brake fluid, have the level above min but not near the max, use a syringe to remove some if its on max. This will prevent leakage from the cap when cornering and I would suggest Ph1 owners to tie a piece of rag around the filler neck just under the cap as leaked fluid will wreck your luggage holder. Needless to say, bring some fluid with you and top up between sessions if needed.

4) Tyres: Again obvious but check they still have plenty of tread left and that the pressures are correct and check again after your first session to see how much the pressure rise is. Loose some air when hot to bring the pressures back to where they should be and remember when going home to re set the pressure to normal road setting if you have lowered them during the day. I will hopefully have a compressor and air line with me assuming we have some power to hook up to.

5) Loose Objects: Don't carry anything in any luggage compartment and if your tyre inflator can is in the car remove it, we should have some covered paddock area in which to stow your stuff. If anything is in the car make sure it is safely stowed away or bolted down, especially fire extinguishers.

6) Towing eye: Find you towing eye now and know where to fit it. You may need to use it when on sessions (to be confirmed).

Getting there:
Allow plenty of time to get there at the Weekend. Many routes out of London have road works and speed restrictions. Give yourself an extra hour or so to get there on time, especially on Friday evening.

Our event shop is now live, and ready to take your much appreciated orders of both "Circuit Time" and "Show and Shine"

For full ticket info, please follow the link here: TICKETS

For all other info and event chat, please click here: Origine RS - 2015

Thank you! :up
Trafic, Twingo GT, Vel Satis Turbo x 2, Clio V6 Proto Ph2, Vel Satis 3.5, Avantime, Alpine A610, GTA Atmo x 3, GTA Turbo x 3, R5 Gordini Turbo Mid Engine, Alpine A310 4cyl, Alpine A110, Yellow Smart
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby pgoldsmith » Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:56 pm

Age 25 and over only to DRIVE.

That's a shame, I was hoping my son (20 yrs) could drive my GTA.
Is this a fixed & rigid rule of the circuit organizers ?
GTA Turbo 1991 - Stratos blue
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby Williams » Wed Apr 08, 2015 9:31 am

pgoldsmith wrote:
Age 25 and over only to DRIVE.

That's a shame, I was hoping my son (20 yrs) could drive my GTA.
Is this a fixed & rigid rule of the circuit organizers ?


Did you get any confirmation regarding this?
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby eastlmark » Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:46 am

Williams wrote:
pgoldsmith wrote:
Age 25 and over only to DRIVE.

That's a shame, I was hoping my son (20 yrs) could drive my GTA.
Is this a fixed & rigid rule of the circuit organizers ?


Did you get any confirmation regarding this?

Ricky was out last year at 19, no one said anything must admit being ignorant to that rule.
never thought I would want a list but now find myself needing one just to remind me: Clio V6 230, 5 gt turbo, 5 Gordini turbo, Megane RS 300 Trophy.
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby RobS » Thu Apr 09, 2015 8:01 am

Williams wrote:
pgoldsmith wrote:
Age 25 and over only to DRIVE.

I read that bit & understood it to be relating to the hot laps with the instructor in the RS Megane & Clio. I could be wrong, but it would make sense. Trackdays usually just require a full driving licence. No doubt Stephen will clarify this.
'82 R5 Alpine Turbo, '98 Fiat Barchetta, '97 Fiat Coupe 20v Turbo, '04 Subaru Forester XT
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby Tony Smith » Thu Apr 09, 2015 7:55 pm


. No doubt Stephen will clarify this.[/quote]

Eventually :0)
Alpines - GTA 3.0 Turbo, GTA 3.0 Inj (Project DD), GTA 6.2 V8 (500 bhp) , R32 Skyline GTR, BMW Alpina B10 635 Highline, Alpina B10 E39 5 Series, Jaguar 4.2 XKR, Laguna 205GT, BMW 120d.
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby simontaylor » Thu Apr 09, 2015 9:49 pm

and where is the link.....to prices etc.
1986 : '86 GTA v6 BW-EFR turbo, with Adaptronic ECU
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby pgoldsmith » Sat Apr 11, 2015 5:58 pm

Yes I can someone in the Know advise please.
As the idea was to let my son (20 yrs) drive it for a session, but I don't want to purchase track time if he's not allowed.

Also, I know someone else in the same position, so some confirmation would be good.

GTA Turbo 1991 - Stratos blue
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby JohnC » Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:17 pm

simontaylor wrote:and where is the link.....to prices etc.

Go back to "Events and Meetings" ....... Second post down (just below Rats' Open Day) .......... Page 1, first post by Williams ........ links are there.
For some reason, we have two posts for the same event. :o
1990 GTA Atmo, 2003 Jaguar X type 2.5SE Auto, 2018 Kia Picanto GT-Line-S 1.25
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Re: Origine RS 2015 info

Postby Williams » Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:14 pm

pgoldsmith wrote:Yes I can someone in the Know advise please.
As the idea was to let my son (20 yrs) drive it for a session, but I don't want to purchase track time if he's not allowed.

Also, I know someone else in the same position, so some confirmation would be good.


Hi Paul, and for others with the same question..

Goodwood Events Team..

The minimum age for passengers is 14 and they must be 1.5m tall. Any passengers between 14 and 16 must be loaded into the cars in the parc ferme area as no one under 16 is allowed in pit lane unless in a vehicle. I would also mention that we now need drivers to bring along both parts of the driving licences for checking at sign and we require arms and legs to be covered at all time on track (drivers and passengers)

A full UK drivers licence is required. "

So basically, as long as you have a full UK licence you'll be able to go on to the circuit.

For anyone concerned about inexperienced drivers on track, then as usual.. there will be a large identifying sticker (usually a yellow square) fitted to the rear window of that particular persons car to make approaching drivers aware of their 'track novice' status.

Many thanks,

- Shaun

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